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AI時代來臨,彼得原理仍然適用? 續論USPTO AI輔助發明之發明權認定指引 淺談USPTO《AI輔助發明之發明權認定指引》 ESG方興未艾,與專利有關嗎? 專利戰 – 知己知彼才能百戰不殆 從韓劇《非常律師禹英禑》看新型專利及假處分的應用 實施自己的專利也會侵權嗎?以大立光vs.摩托羅拉為例 COVID-19疫苗研發遇上Artificial Intelligence (AI) 從技術、產業、環境的演進看未來的發展 COVID-19疫苗研發遇上Artificial Intelligence (AI) 美國總統川普助Triller vs. ByteDance & TikTok一臂之力? 絕地大反攻,小蝦米再現! 從獨角獸看人工智慧的發展 Google人工智慧專利Dropout生效為何引起大家的恐慌? 人工智慧相關專利檢索策略─以近期發表的兩大報告為例 正視人工智慧的發展,採取積極主動的措施 從電影「靈光乍現」看COREPHOTONICS, LTD. vs. APPLE INC. 商業方法專利在台灣—從美國最高法院Alice Corporation v. CLS Bank International判決一週年談起 Examination of Inventiveness and Responding Strategy in Taiwan Maximizing the applicant’s benefits from the PPH in Taiwan
- “Developments of Business Method Patents in Taiwan”, Asia IP, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 38-39, September, 2015.
- “Maximizing the applicant's benefits from the PPH in Taiwan”, Asia IP, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 38-39, April, 2015.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “A Cooperative Multi-Group Priority MAC Protocol for Multi-Packet Reception Channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless communications, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 5416-5421, Nov. 2009.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “A Multi-Group Priority Based Cooperative MAC Protocol for Multi-Packet Reception Channels,” IEEE PIMRC 2009, Tokyo, Japan, September 2009.
- W. F. Yang, S. L. Pan and T. S. Lee, “Uplink Throughput Optimization for Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception,” IEEE VTS APWCS 2009, Seoul, Korea, August 2009.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu and T. S. Lee, “An Enhanced Multi-Packet Reception MAC Protocol: Cooperative Approach,” ChinaCom 2008, Hangzhou, China, pp. 516-520, August 2008.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “A Multi-Group Priority Queueing MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2008, Article ID 970842, 2008.
- J. Y. Wu, W. F. Yang, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “Signal Modulus Design for Blind Source Separation via Algebraic Known Modulus Algorithm: a Perturbation Perspective,” IEEE ISCAS 2008, Seattle, USA, pp. 3013-3016, May 2008.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “A Multi-Group Priority Queueing MAC Protocol for Multipacket Reception Channel,” IEEE WCNC 2008, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1673-1678, April 2008.
- W. F. Yang, J. Y. Wu, L. C. Wang and T. S. Lee, “Dynamic Multi-Group Priority Queueing MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks in A Heterogeneous Channel Environment,” IEEE VTS APWCS 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 2007.
- T. C Tsao, Arthur Yang (W. F. Yang), “Nonlinear Distortions Distribution in HFC Networks,” National Cable Television Association Technical Papers, pp. 429 – 441, 1996.
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