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The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office Updated the “Notices for Preparing the Specification and Drawings of Design Patents”
In accordance with Part III of the Patent Examination Guidelines, the Substantive Examination for Design Patents, amended in 2020, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) updated the “Notices for Preparing the Specification and Drawings of Design Patents.” The key points of the revisions are summarized below: 
  1. A new section “Descriptions in the Specification” is included to provide guidelines for the applicant to understand how to draft the specification in view of the drawings.
  2. The descriptions and examples in the section “Graphic Images Design” are comprehensively amended.
  3. New descriptions and examples are included in the section “Space Designs” (including architectural designs and interior designs).
  4. Miscellaneous: The descriptions and figures are re-arranged in points for readability.
(Summarized and translated from the News published on the TIPO’s website)  
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