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Tai E Has Been Nominated As Taiwan’s Top Patent Firm in the 2011 Asia IP Awards
On November 11, 2011, Asia IP, at a gala dinner held in Manila, announced the only winner of the 2011 Asia IP Awards for Patent Firm in Taiwan is Tai E International Patent and Law Office.

The 2011 Asia IP Awards is held by Asia IP, the specialist monthly magazine that provides in-depth and indispensable coverage of the key IP challenges in Asia and the Pacific. The Awards are based on an extensive poll surveyed by more than 4000 in-house counsels around the world. The firms were awarded by receiving the most votes in each country.

We would like to express the sincere appreciation of the trust and support from our associates and clients all over the world. That remarkable achievement also reflects the endeavor Tai E has made to improve the quality and service. In the future, Tai E will continue to retain the outstanding capabilities and pursue the best possible outcomes for all the clients.

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