In view of the fact that foreign priority documents have a significant impact on whether applicants can claim patent priority, and in order to protect the applicant’s rights and prevent applicants from submitting incorrect documents as priority documents, the TIPO has set up a database with examples of foreign priority documents for patent applications on its website. The database contains the most common examples of cover pages of priority documents in recent years from various countries and examples of various incorrect priority documents. The TIPO aims to provide applicants with examples to help them check whether the documents they received are eligible priority documents.
The database includes the most common examples of foreign priority documents in recent years. Specific content of patent applications is excluded from the cover pages. Also, any identifying information is removed from the cover pages. Moreover, the database provides examples of incorrect priority documents marked with notes on what applicants should take notice of for reference.
(Translated from the Hot News announced on the website of the TIPO)
*Section Chief of International Patent Division at Tai E International Patent & Law Office