- M. Sc. in Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- LL. B., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- B. Sc. in Biology, National Chen-Gung University, Taiwan
- Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Industrial Sanitation
- Pharmaceuticals
- Agrochemicals
- Intellectual Property Laws
- Chinese Textbooks Concerning Microbiology and Immunology
- 1. English title "Microbiology Update," ISBN 957-8878-78-8, June 1996 (1st ed.), co-author (honorably designated on the official syllabus for nationwide examinations)
- 2. English title "Microbiology," ISBN 957-594-048-2, July 2000 (1st ed.), co-author
- 3. English title "Medical Microbiology," ISBN 957-640-579-3, April 2002 (1st ed.), first author (honorably designated on the official syllabus for nationwide examinations)
- 4. English title "Practical Microbiology," ISBN 957-640-849-0, January 2005 (1st ed.), first author
- 5. English title "Practical Microbiology and Immunology," ISBN 978-986-194-172-1, January 2011 (1st ed.), first author