- M.S., in Advanced Technology Management University of South Australia
- LL.B., National Taiwan University, School of Law, Taiwan
- IP Litigation
- Administrative Law
- Patent Licensing
- Innovation & Know-How Utilization
- IP Evaluation
- Commercialization
Notable Cases
- Represented a major domestic lamp manufacturer in a civil patent infringement lawsuit and acquired a favorable judgment from the Taiwan Supreme Court, which is the court of last resort.
- Defense in a patent infringement case on behalf a sun visor manufacturer and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances.
- Defense in a patent infringement case on behalf of a major domestic electrical engineering company and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances.
- Defense in a civil patent infringement suit on behalf of a domestic construction company and acquired a favorable judgment.
- Filed a civil trademark infringement suit against an infringer on behalf of a well-known restaurant, and the court rendered a favorable judgment.
- Defense in a patent infringement case on behalf a major technology company and acquired favorable judgments in both the 1st and 2nd instances.
- Defense in a civil unfair competition lawsuit on behalf of a silverware distributor and acquired a favorable judgment.
Professional Associations
- Taipei Bar Association
- Hsinchu Bar Association
- Taoyuan Bar Association
設計專利權之侵害比對 債權人能否聲請執行法院執行債務人之保險解約金 再生醫療法淺析 專利侵害之懲罰性賠償金 身高與平等權有關嗎? 不正當限制交易相對人之事業活動 人工智慧的法律歸責──基於民事侵權行為的觀點 勞工求職,小心詐騙! 透過電子媒體或網路方式所為之違反商標法行為 專利權與歐盟數位服務法案 「著作人格權」的真正意涵是什麼? 舉發人於行政訴訟事實審增加爭點之議 公職人員年資併社團專職人員年資計發退離給與處理條例第5條第1項之「1年」非屬請求權消滅時效 如何區分線上賭博罪及線上遊戲 專業法院之建立與改制 藥品專利權國際布局防治偽藥、劣藥 信用卡債務太多還不清一直滾利息怎麼辦? 積體電路布局、軟體程式之專利權與著作權 整體經濟利益與限制競爭之不利益 從金融資產證券化條例談專利權證券化 大法庭制度發揮裁判法律爭議功能 商標法除去侵害及防止侵害 商標法除去侵害及防止侵害 專利法先使用權之範圍 專利權利金過高之強制授權 商標權訴訟之商標反向混淆 造意人、幫助人與專利侵權之法律關係 智慧財產權民事訴訟之補充聲明 產品標準及檢驗與智慧財產權及公平交易法 專利權各請求項分別為之、聲明拘束性與紛爭一次解決 尚未提出專利申請之技術權利義務關係 動態之專利訴訟 專利權各請求項均具有法律上之權利 無控制器輸入技術專利法律分析 智慧財產法院及當事人應善用專家證人 發明展覽專利問題法律分析 專利技術入股之法律問題 專利申請前已見於刊物、公開使用、已為公眾所知悉 美國國際貿易委員會( ITC )處理專利爭議之程序 可攜式太陽能技術與專利新穎性進步性之關係 「驗證分析」方法在專利行政訴訟上的應用 創新發明不一定只靠靈感,也可以靠方法