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World Trademark Review 2021: Tai E International Patent & Law Office ranked Gold (Top Tier) for Firms: prosecution and strategy

In the 2021 edition of World Trademark Review 1000: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals, Tai E is lauded as an internationally reputed firm of a repository of trust, boasting a long history and an excellent track record of success throughout all phases of the trademark lifecycle. WTR further indicates that “Distinguished by its seamless handling of portfolios with the aid of sophisticated AI tools and technology, the outfit has set new filing records. Thanks to process efficiency improvements and the continued cultivation of an excellent overseas network of correspondents, the international practice has seen much growth too.”

Tai E International Patent & Law Office has been awarded by World Trademark Review in the following categories: 
  • World Trademark Review 2020: Ranked Silver for Firms: prosecution and strategy 
  • World Trademark Review 2019: Ranked Silver for Firms: prosecution and strategy
  • World Trademark Review 2018: Ranked Gold (Top Tier) for Firms: prosecution and strategy
  • World Trademark Review 2017: Ranked Gold (Top Tier) for Firms: prosecution and strategy
  • World Trademark Review 2016: Ranked Gold (Top Tier) for Firms: prosecution and strategy
  • World Trademark Review 2015: Ranked Gold (Top Tier) for Firms: prosecution and strategy

World Trademark Review provides information service dedicated exclusively to reporting on trademark issues for in-house and private practitioners internationally. If you would like to learn more about the awards, please visit the World Trademark Review website.
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